
Aloha! My name is Lukas Žuklys – it is my highest passion to meet yours by creating the best-aligned designs for your outlet of service to others. I have over 19 years of experience in making designs, 5 of which is purely working with holistic/spiritual businesses with amazing success and feedback from clients as it’s always a labor of love!


I started doing designs when I was 14 years old as a hobby without expecting it to end up my main career and a platform to not only work on such beautiful projects that add to the collective expansion of consciousness and mindfulness but to also meet friends, “soul tribe” and learn a lot about myself, life and a lot of new things I don’t expect but the universe keeps on surprising me with…


Every client brings their authentic uniqueness which I celebrate through intuitive co-creation with the greater part of me to meet your unique song of the heart and project’s vision. I often receive such amazing feedback that the design exceeded their expectations and has helped them get inspired to activate and attune to an even more aligned version of themselves for the project’s outcome.


After 5 years of rewarding activities by Lucid Canvas and meeting so many of my soul family and teachers that helped me on my journey and having the joy of working together all boundaries disappeared – just the universe fulfilling itself, all that’s left is to marvel at the synchronicities and celebrate the ever-increasing light grid of holistic wellbeing outlets in the world. 🙏